Our Route!

Our Route!
Charleston, SC to Santa Cruz, CA: May 26 to August 14

Trip Tracker

For an detailed interactive map of our journey, click here.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Photos You've All Been Waiting For

Click here for the photos of OK/TX/NM. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing photos Jon, though I confess that I was hoping for photos of today's wild ride after reading your description. 48 hours until the Kole family reunites. Already planning sightseeing and must dos and despite the recommendations to see some sights on the back of a bike, we will respect the road warrior's wishes.

    Mom (masquerading with permission)


Want to help out? Donate!

A huge part of this trip is raising funds! All proceeds of the trip will be used to fund student driven affordable housing projects across the nation. Here is where you come in: PLEASE support me and Bike & Build by making a tax-deductible contribution. To those of you that did donate, I thank you sincerely.

You could give a penny for every mile I ride this summer ($40). Considering the magnitude of the goal and the importance of our cause, anything you can give will be greatly appreciated. Help me help others!

If you do choose to give, all you have to do is go to http://www.bikeandbuild.org/donate.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call (773-633-3499) or email (kole.jon@gmail.com).