Another day, another ride. Today we left Athens and the exceedingly generous church that hosted us (The spread they served for dinner could have fed Xerxes' armies), heading 60 miles into Norcross, a poorer suburb of Atlanta. Tonight we are staying in a games-loaded Boys and Girls Club before our service project with Rebuilding Together, a repair focused affordable housing organization. My legs feel ready and anxious to do more riding, but I will use this bike-free day to rest for the century ride into Alabama on Monday.
With my recent non-riding time, I read one of Jerry Falwell's books, The American Family. As I expected, many of his sentiments and opinions clashed with some of my most important values of equality and tolerance. Quotes like 'Life without Christ is one disappointment after another leading to death, despair, death, and eternal damnation" certainly rubbed me the wrong way. More troubling was his descriptions of liberals and secular humanists, as he assumed malice in their heart as they "strive to tear apart the American family." He bashed feminists, homosexuals, and anyone ever distributing contraceptives. All of these viewpoints were to be expected and can explain the perceptions of many in the 'Moral Majority.' Simply put, much of the book saddened me deeply.
However, there was more to this book than extremism. Interspersed between his rants, I found some interesting points I believe are worth sharing. He voiced concern with the rampant self-centered 'me-ism' of today's society in praised pursuits of personal liberation and self-gratification. In my own life, I have tried to balance these drives with commitment to community service. Falwell advocates for deepening faith in religion. Considering my interaction with Chuck days ago, this approach seems more effective than I would usually care to admit. Falwell also makes some astute commentary on the subtle messages of television, notably regarding sexual promiscuity. He writes, "During one recent TV season, unmarried partners outnumbered married partners 24 to 1, with limited to no concern voiced about birth control or STDs." I can remember in high school watching shows that suggested that premarital sex was norm and feeling an odd mix of inadequacy and self doubt. Not that I am advocating TV censorship, but it was something so pervasive I never even thought to question. Most valuable, Falwell opened my eyes to my occasional undeserved negative reactions to initiatives and values of the Christian right. Falwell described secular humanists (like me), "In their philosophy, every person can choose his or her own values and all choices are equal with one notable exception...the traditional Christian worldview." I can think of countless liberal friends who find great intrigue in Hindu or Confucian wisdom, but would never quote the Bible. I have been so trained as a Democrat to oppose the conservative Christian base that I may be stigmatizing a perfectly valid approach to life. I need to be more open, and considering the wide array of religious backgrounds on this trip, I can hopefully grow through respectful questioning and discussion. That said, don't hurry to will be some time before I delve back into this propaganda-laden literature.
I would like to dedicate today's post and ride to Uncle Matt, Aunt Beth, Anna and Joseph. This wonderful family has my full love and affection, making me feel special anytime I am in their presence. I am proud to be their nephew and elder cousin and hope to always be as warm and caring as they are. Thank you for everything you do.
Work tomorrow then on to Heflin, Alabama...which will be my first century ride! So much more to come...
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You could give a penny for every mile I ride this summer ($40). Considering the magnitude of the goal and the importance of our cause, anything you can give will be greatly appreciated. Help me help others!
If you do choose to give, all you have to do is go to
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