I was Charles Darwin. Well, for a day at least. This year was the 200 anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth and the Penn Museum held a celebration with lectures, games, displays, and one undergraduate dressed as Darwin. Intrigued by my get-up? Check out the costume process at http://www.youtube.com/watch?
My exciting events included...Alternate Spring Break's Disney on Ice Skating Event (I dressed as Lumiere), my first opera Turandot, and various meetings with Penn Haven, a new student group devoted to helping the Philadelphia homeless. It has been a great month!
Upcoming is the premiere of Watchmen (so pumped) and my spring break trip to the Florida Everglades. This will be my fourth Alternate Spring Break, but this is the first devoted to environmental cleanup. The next post will include a summary of this adventure as well as a list of the medical schools I am choosing between. They all will tell me in a week or two. Kole out.